Sunday, May 23, 2010

My new words and songs

Last night Marcus treated us to a singing performance of:
* The Wheels on the bus, complete with the correct actions
* Gloop goes the little green frog with actions
*Hammer Hammer Hammer with actions
He was so proud of himself this went on for most of the evening until he went to bed!

This morning he looked in a book and pointed out and said "weta", "Kiwi", "frog", "bird", "buzzy" (that's bee).

Gran has had an operation on her nose and it's very sore. When I got Marcus up this morning he said "gan, gan sore nose, sore".

I'm off for crown preperation on my tooth that had root canal done a couple of months ago. As most of you know I HATE the dentist so fingers crossed this is a pain free visit, but I'm not hopeful having looked at google!

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